Embankment breach alert and evacuation instructions

Settlements along rivers are potentially threatened by possible embankment breaches and flood risk. In this situation rapid notification system plays a major role in saving lives and property. CAP.CAP system is introduced by the security operation center in the local community. When authorized institutions receive notice of rising water wave or alert from person in charge to check protective embankment, then authorized personnel in security operation center sends in a short period through CAP.CAP application a private alert message containing warning text, marked affected area, takes a picture of the embankment and exact location to emergency operation center.  Also, he chooses type of communication channels to dispatch the message. This alert is received by security operations center, which notifies security officers in the area and issues a public alert that is disseminated to affected population. Private alerts are dispatched through e-mail and SMS alert mechanisms, while public alerts are sent though e-mails, Twitter, Facebook and public web sites.

Officials and residents of the affected settlements are notified in a short period with accurate alert message on flood risk containing exact location of the breach, affected areas and evacuation instructions. Dispatch through voice message is avoided in this way. Also, notification period is reduced from one hour to one minute.  Alerted officials on the ground can quickly send feedback on the changes as the situation evolves. Communication uses normal mobile handsets, which enables rapid inclusion of volunteers, rescue and emergency officers from other areas that do not possess or are trained with special radio equipment.

In this situation CAP.CAP achieves the best result mainly due to possibility to exchange text messages and graphical information in short period, which provides just-in-time information about an imminent danger and instructions how to react. The information is not transmitted through voice, and thus quality and speed of communication is highly improved. Users of the system do not need special computer training. As accidents happen when least expected, secure and reliable multimedia communication tool is of great importance. It is crucial to be able to communicate the exact location of the threat.